This general issue took quite a lot of different directions. For the basics, it can "freeze" the cola meter from updates, so replenishing the cola or using it does not show up on the meter. It goes to the point where you need to re-enter the world to make it look back normally. It also can sometimes just show you that you have max. developed reserve of cola, even though it's not true. The last and the most funny development happens during cola replenishment when you have any amount of ultras in your development. If you have, f.e., 120 possible colas to reserve and you reach this number, every regular cola, which is drunk after, instead of going into void starts to increase the maximum value of the reserve. Of course, it is still only visual and doesn't really increase the amount.
P.S. According to the ZarkelDy, it is an issue that happened after 0.10.2, as for 0.10.1 there were no showings of such stuff.