Sew Sew Fruit
Sewn: when a block is given this tag it cannot be moved (it can be broken) for example gravity effected blocks won’t fall, pistons won’t work, and tnt and Gura won’t throw blocks if not destroyed outright.
Nui Hold: when the user right-clicks a block with a sewing needle it is sewn, the block needs to atleast be touching one other block.
Haute Couture: Patchwork: the user has the duration of this ability to tag as many opponents as they can with their sewing needle. When the timer ends all tagged entities will be pulled to the location of the first one tagged. They will be held there for 3 seconds. Requires Sewing Needle.
Nui Pin: the user sews their target, (this is a combo ability like Gomu Gatling) if the user lands the majority of their attacks, 6/10, the ability pins an enemy to a wall or ground, they cannot move and cannot use m1 or m2. They can however use any non-movement abilities. The destruction of the blocks the enemy is pinned to or shift-using the ability on them will free them. Requires Sewing Needle.
Stitches: shift-use to affect the user. The user stitches a wound, heals 6 hearts on others and 2 hearts on the user.
Sewing needle: a sewing needle, cones in two variants, regular and large. The regular is a small needle for sewing, can be used to repair durability on cosmetic clothes and leather armor, does no damage. The large needle does +5 attack and is the size of a sword.